A 2 star hotel, Rock Regency, Manali offers the best staying service while ensuring best hospitality service at the most reasonable prices. It offers facilities like doctor on call, laundry service, room service and travel desk as well. It also offers room amenities, such as cable TV, intercom facility and hot/cold water, sofa unit, geyser in every room, etc. The nearest airport is Bhuntar (Kullu) about 50 kms, whereas nearest railway station is Joginder Nagar and it is at the distance of about 165 kms. Hotel Facility Doctor on Call | Laundry Service | Room Service | Travel Desk Room Amenities Cable T.V. | Intercom Facility | Sofa Unit| Room Heater Chargeable | Shower Area | Geyser in Bathroom Hotel has 18 rooms and it offers accommodation in 3categories: Deluxe, Super deluxe and Luxury Rooms. Dining Food is served through room service. Internet Facility: Not Available | Parking Facility: Not Available Check-In: 12:00 PM. | Check-Out: 12:00 PM Rules and Policies Guest Profile Unmarried couples allowed Bachelors allowed Unsupervised guests below 18 years of age are not allowed